Provides culturally appropriate programs for Native American/Alaska Native Mothers, Fathers and Families.

Train facilitators to implement this curriculum in their community. Develops the skills and knowledge to live a healthy life as a traditional, spiritual Native American/Alaska Native woman. Increase awareness of how intergenerational trauma interrupted the culture, language, family ties, and parenting practices among Native people. Learn how to apply the cultural teachings to bring healing to children, relationships and community.

Train facilitators to implement this curriculum in their community. Addresses issues of Native American/Alaska Native identity, what is means to be a Native American/Alaska Native man and the role of fathering in Native American/Alaska Native culture. Of particular importance is the emphasis on healing the effects of intergenerational trauma, developing skills and confidence as fathers, and defining a lifeway that is healthy and balanced emotionally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Through a cooperative effort with the National Association for Children of Addiction, the Wellbriety Movement is pleased to present Wellbriety and Celebrating Families!™ This exciting evidence-based program provides Indigenous Communities with the opportunity to implement a program for healing families affected by alcohol and substance use, that recognizes and incorporates traditional cultural teachings and practices. The facilitator implementation manual and training videos provide a framework of Wellbriety teachings that support the Wellbriety & Celebrating Families!™ curriculum.